“The Creator of Fantasies” Martin Sanchez (click to see a larger image)
“The Creator of Fantasies” Martin Sanchez (click to see a larger image)
“The Creator of Fantasies”
Martin Sanchez
© Benoit Malphettes
(click to see a larger image)

By S.E. Williams

What started out as a hot dog cart and morphed into a taco stand years ago; through struggle, hard work, determination and authentic Mexican food, Martin and Concepcion Sanchez successfully grew into a popular restaurant in the heart of Riverside.

As the restaurant Tio’s Tacos grew, Martin’s artistic passion began to flourish. He created sculptures from recycled objects—each creation reflective of his humble beginnings, his various stages of personal growth and his life in general.

Although the eatery ’s delicious Mexican food is worthy of a visit to the establishment, having an opportunity to peruse Martin’s creations not only enhances the value of any visit to the restaurant; Martin’s creations attract a number of customers in their own right.

Martin has created eye-catching pyramids, fanciful fountains, and a series of giant wire figures, filled with shells, shoes, toys and a plethora of other items cast aside by previous owners—and that is just the beginning. Martin’s folk art is visible everywhere throughout the Tio’s Tacos’ expansive property. Although he has no formal training as an artist, Martin continues to create with the natural skills of an artistic visionary.

The Sanchez’s purchased Tio’s Tacos restaurant and the house next door which became the family home in 1995. In 2000, they purchased the parking lot and house next door. The Sanchez complex now fills nearly the entire city block and Martin’s eclectic creations have expanded to encompass nearly every inch of it, including the rooftops.

Tio’s Tacos
3948 Mission Inn Ave