Dr. Joseph A. Bailey, II, MD., FACS

Allow me to use the PICTURE FRAME AROUND A PUZZLE CONCEPT of today’s African Continent to illustrate various Ancient African subcultures. Each of the 55 African countries display uniqueness in customs, language (2000+ spoken by the 660 million continental Africans), and styles of worshipping God in serial religions (even in the same region).

Yet, all 55 pieces of this puzzle are bordered with a philosophy of life (POL) Frame shared more or less by almost all subcultures. This Frame’s ingredients are essentially the same Ma’at living principles and core spiritual concepts absorbed by all African People: (1) the good of the Spiritual Elements; (2) the good of Children; and (3) the good of Immortality, the crown of existence. Tens of thousands of years ago they established a law of Physics, also applicable to the Spiritual, that ingredients of the Cosmos can neither be created nor destroyed. An inference from this was that bodily death is not the end of a human’s life since that human’s Soul lives on in a different plane of existence. Ones Soul, considered an indispensable bearer of ones Purpose of Being, is encoded—like a “trademark”–with that God assigned role. Contents in that “trademark” are like the “Soul’s Sunshine” since it makes its owner acutely aware of what one must accomplish in the world, if one remains open to it. The messaged role is an unrealized reality when a human initially comes into Being. Its realization returns ones Spiritual Personality to Immortal existence following resurrection at death. Then one becomes an Ancestor able to be invoked by the living. If ones life is terminated prematurely, says Donkor (African Spirituality p40), the Soul returns to God while the Spirit awaits Reincarnation—the nature of waiting is a mystery. Otherwise, after death ones Selfhood remains in existence along with ones accumulated actions—i.e. the Sub-conscious impressions one formed while still alive. Those who choose anti-Spiritual Elements deeds in life do it to a mild, slight, moderate, extreme or Inside-Out, Upside Down” degree. These display as Indifference/Hate/Evil/Sadism (IHES) complex mindset impressions in oneself and with others.

All are associated with mental agitation and fetters as ones “Me, Me, Me” focus is on External World Desires. Whenever one has done sufficient wrong to acquire negative Ari impressions, on Judgment Day(Psychostasis) the Ari (Karma) Law becomes applicable. It serves as the standard against which the deceased’s Divine Will (Heart) is metaphorically weighed by means of the Divine Law. Such is symbolized by the feather of Ma’at. Ones “Heart” (a Soul partner) contents include the nature of ones sown “residues” of feelings, emotions, and desires present in ones Subconscious. They are weighed against Ma’at Cosmic Order. Specifically, Ari (“action”) judgments are based upon the intentions and deeds as well as their degree of impact Effects and its Consequences. Whether good or bad, these are attached to a person’s Life Living–the cumulative effects of which lead one to ones “fate,” even beyond death. For example, even if I have shown a consistent pattern of compassion and yet have not always done my best to help someone in true need, this conglomerate of Unconscious impressions and flawed Compassion are what will be judged. But there is a different judged outcome if I persisted in showing Ma’at Compassion in spite of it being repeatedly rejected by those to whom it was directed. In short, it is my Karma (intent and deeds) which leads me to my current condition.

If the deceased “Heart” is to proceed into the Heaven Afterlife, it has to be as light as the feather of the goddess Ma’at, as indicated by a balanced scale. This implies one lived a “Good Life”—one of Human Perfection (not ideally) with respect to intents and deeds as well as with Ma’at naturalness operating according to Unconditional Love, Truth, Reality, and Rightness. If the “Heart” weighs less than Ma’at’s feather, this implies one did not conform to the Spiritual Elements because of being “overly Good”. Such living by strict “Righteousness” rigid rules is “Unnatural” in ones humanity. If the “Heart” weighs more than the feather of Ma’at, the two pans would be imperfectly balanced, indicating the deceased had lived a life characterized by IHES deeds. The latter two weighings demand the deceased Soul be Reincarnated in Earth life until ones actions balance the scale. Such a series of Reincarnations will continue until one achieves a life of Goodness—as indicated by ones Soul vibrating at the same high rate as when one was originally conceived.
