Dr. Joseph A. Bailey, II, MD., FACS

Predatory/Prey conflicts are a feature of the Physical part of the Cosmos. Sea animals fight by slamming, biting, or suction. Caterpillars’ indirect fighting, when facing danger, is by spitting poison like a little snake.

Since Humankind’s very beginnings, there have been forms of competition battles in each of its embraced parts. All cultures, at some point and to some extent, have interpreted negative events as being inflicted upon them by malevolent, Supernatural spirits or forces. With Europeans appearance 45,000 years ago, a new lifestyle of Competition–called the “Dark Side” element–was introduced. It has subsequently spread and branched into so many forms worldwide as to now make “Dark Side” Competition an Umbrella Word. This means it acts like a mother hen with chicks under both wings–because so many different things of the same family are under its canopy. However, the concept of “Dark Side” Competition appeared in the Ancient African Biblical Mythology. The “good guy,” Horus is portrayed as a falcon after he defeated the “bad guy” Seth in an aerial battle over good vs. evil. The mythological European Valkyries, Amazonian priestesses who ruled the gates of Death, brought the souls of the heroes killed in battle to the Hall of the Slain. After feasting, for amusement, they fought one another with savage fervor (similar especially to European warriors of the Middle Ages and on to today). Historically, Europeans have constantly been on some type of battlefield engaged in constant wars between losses and gains because of an insatiable greedy quest for the newer, the most, the bigger, the better, and the faster related to goods, material things, and adult toys. Such, as a challenge, a form of entertainment, and a display of power—are all to satisfy ego. They never get enough of fighting and “wins” carry nothing more than momentary hate-type pleasures—there is never peace or happiness. Such is driven by ones Brute Brain (part of the Ancient Brain) whose essence is characterized by the German word “Fight.”

Initially, “Fight” was a covering term meaning anything from sharp language to fisticuffs; then to battle and combat; and then embracing the general meaning “to contend or struggle for mastery.” An early usage was as a Biblical phrase (1Timothy 6:12): “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold of eternal life.” It expanded to include Imperialism–the process of a nation extending its territory by imposing its authority and thus gaining political and economic control of other areas. Europeans’ imperialistic take-over of Africa and its people by means of the GUN was associated with exploitation, violence of unspeakable magnitude, and the worse of brutality ever known to Humankind. It began in 1433 with arrival of the first shipment of enslaved Africans and gold in Portugal. Its ending in 1870 was the beginning of the Colonial phase involving Africans. Meanwhile, European invasion of the Americas brought in Enslaved Africans to do the work of shaping the Americas into Europeans’ cultural self-image. It also caused near total destruction of millions of Amerindians and their food supply. Increasing profits and increasing systematization of the economic infrastructure led to increased competition among European nations vying for power.

Their competition and greed, with an emphasis on Africa, resulted in global devastation and inhumanity unequaled in world history. The first thing European enslavers did was to generate dissention among the Enslaved by starving them and causing them to fight each other for food. Then Europeans converted the mindset and behaviors of the Enslaved out of the realm of sound African Tradition into a realm of delusions. This was accomplished by brainwashing techniques; by breaking the spirits of the Enslaved; and by causing “Inside-Out” thinking. The point was to prevent them from ever recovering sufficiently to be a form of Competition to Europeans. Today, “Fight” continues to be about competition or conflict between two hostile forces, with or without direct physical contact. The nature of the worst of Competition is the Satanist “Evilness” which constantly attacks Spiritual Elements lifestyles. Whatever it touches, their anti-Spiritual Elements tactics and strategies–“by themselves, reproduce themselves so as to become the things they make.” Their evilness generates Delusional Fear for victims. Perhaps their worst brainwashing mind control tool is the fantasy creation of Hell/Devil and burning forever in hell after death.
